Happy Teacher’s Day:
The Way You Teach…
The Knowledge You Share…
The Care You Take…
The Love You Shower…
Make You…
The World’s Best Teacher!
Happy Teachers Day!
Even though my grades may not always be the best,
I assure you that having you as my teacher makes me truly blessed.
For now I know that you’ll never give up on me,
Thank you for helping me be all I can be.
Because of you I can see that my future is bright,
Above all you taught me to shine forth my light.
Happy Teachers Day my teacher!
They Guide Us,
They Support Us,
They Inspire Us,
They Teach Us,
Today Is The Day To Thank Them And Say,
Happy Teacher’s Day
T: Tender
E: Empathetic
A: Admirable
C: Caring
H: Honest
E: Encouraging
R: Repsectable
We all always be thankful to you: for all the hard work and efforts that you have put in. To educate us. Happy Teacher’s Day!
Teacher is a person who always helps everybody to get the knowledge and always stands beside the students when they have problems thanks for being my teacher. Happy Teacher’s Day!
Английский язык пригодится везде,
И с помощью Вашей учу его я!
В поездке любой я, как рыба в воде,
И есть у меня иностранцы-друзья!
Спасибо за это! И с праздником Вас!
Желаю всегда с вдохновением жить!
Всегда элегантною быть, как сейчас,
И речи английской подростков учить!
On this day we honor teachers like you,
Who give of themselves in all that they do.
So thank you my teacher for all that you gave,
And I promise to try my best to behave!